Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Zach's accused me of profanity ...

Well I say that's Bullshit!

(with apologies to Mel Brooks...)

More big stuff is on the way ... until then, enjoy this video of two lovely women talking dirty to each other.


Anonymous said...

I for one am shocked!! Profanity on this post?? Where? This is the seaseme street message board right? Am i lost again? Jon I say DONT give in the the media hate mongers! You just keep on being you and writing what you feel. Cause thats whats really important, your feelings!! FIGHT THE POWER, JON, FIGHT THE POWER. Im in your corner!

tvthax said...

I never said "profanity." I said "adult language." Y'know, stuff like "personages," "foreign policy," and "vacuous."

Jon Watkins said...

I guess you're right ... that is a little adult. I hereby retract my accusation that you've accused me of profanity and humbly suplicate forgiveness from you.

Shit! More adult language! Am I a potty mouth or what?