I'm thinking about using one of my monday "research days" to do a blog-project I would call "24-in-24." Here's what I would do: (1) obtain an entire 24-episode season of the Fox TV show "24"; (2) watch all 24 episodes in one day, beginning the hour I wake up and continuing until I'm finished with the season; (3) regularly update my blog every hour to keep all my excited "fans" (i.e. the six or so friends who read this blog) updated on my thrillingly inert living-room adventures. These hourly updates will be possible as each episode of "24" is only 41 minutes long due to a lack of commercial breaks. Maybe I'll even set up a web-camera so people can indulge their sick voyeuristic tendencies by watching me stare at a screen in my sexy, slackjawed fashion. This would be a mighty one-man sit-day, reminiscient of the one's we used to have in Matt's basement.
Anyway, if you think you'd enjoy that, let me know.
This week, my friend Zac is in town and currently sleeping on my living room floor. This is not anchorman-Zach (with the unnecessary but nevertheless standard letter 'h' in his name), but rather fellow-van-driver-Zac who is an old coworker, good friend, and excellent travelling companion. I picked him up yesterday, and he'll be here all week, so I'm quite psyched as not only do I get to hang out with a friend, but also get to converse in standard English. Since picking him up, however, I've learned my English-speaking ability has drastically declined due to either continued disuse or exclusive use in slow, low-verbosity ESL-teacher talk. When next I see you, dear reader, perhaps you'll remark on how authentically retard-like I've become in my speech patterns. Anyway, yeah: Zac's here for a week, then it's off to Kathmandu for him, and then to Australia, and then back home. This winter, he'll be going to Argentina, and then Antarctica. With the travelling he's done earlier this year, that will make seven continents in one year. I think that's pretty cool, but frighteningly expensive.
Well, I must be going, but let me dig through my folder of delightful pictures. Ah yes, here we go: a stylized CG picture of the Satanic cowboy from Tombstone (wasn't his name "Curly Joe"?). I'm posting this because the third and sadly-final season of Deadwood starts soon in the United States (and shortly thereafter on a computer screen near me). Perhaps after indulging heavily in Deadwood's colorful dialogue, I'll start peppering this blog with spicy lexical items such as "dirt-worshipper", "square head", or the always enjoyable "cocksucker". To kick things off, here's a memorable quote from Deadwood's delightful and sweet Al Swearengen: "Pain or damage don't end the world. Or despair or fucking beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man... and give some back. "

Remember how mad you got when you moved into the dorms and the sign on the door contained the "unnecessary but nevertheless standard 'h' in your name" to read "John"?
Silent Hs have a valuable function in our society. Without them, we would have neither honor nor honesty. How would we while away the hours or get our fill of herbs? Who would be the heir to our meager fortune?
I'll keep my silent 'h' thank you very much, and if I were you I'd look into acquiring one! I know Herrol would agree!
~Zach :-)
The picture is of Johnny Ringo. Curly Bill was the leader of the "Cowboys" and is the same guy who runs the saloon in Deadwood with all the good lookin' whores.
Of course! Johnny Ringo! Only we'll spell his name "Jonny" because the "Silent H" is--as it always has been-- utterly worthless and unnecessary to a greater, more harmonious society.
I'm confused. You said that Zac is the one visiting and that Zach isn't, but later you say "Zach's here for a week." What's going on? Who's who and which is where? I'm not able to decipher this on my own and need clarification.
Errol, I don't know what you're talking about. Check the blog again. I think the villanous and unnecessary letter 'H' has tricked you through its inherently shady nature.
Ah! You play good trick, eh?
Brew Fest next weekend. Errol & I will pour one on the pavement in your honor. "This one's for my homie."
Yo, I be all missin my homiez an shit. Word.
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